Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Cub Scout Den Meeting: November 13, 2013

    DATE: November 13, 2013    
Theme:    Our Natural World                                                      

Gathering Activity:  I Spy Poster

Opening Ceremony
     - Opening Prayer: _____________
     - Grand Howl
     -Attendance: ________________
Attendance Book
Stamp and Ink

GAME:  Bowl-a-rama

BADGEWORK: Stranger Danger

Blue Star A3
THEME ACTIVITY: Making and Using a Viewfinder

Good Scissors
GAME:  Lego

THEME ACTIVITY: Art activity

Drawing supplies: pencils, erasers, paper
Water colors and brushes
Artist #4
BADGE WORK:  Telephone Numbers
Phone Book
Papers for recording emergency numbers
Blue Star A4
Family Safety #9
     -Spiritual Thought: __Peyton__________
Assignment: Share your favorite scripture and tell the pack why it is your favorite.

Closing Ceremony
     -Cub Promise (review line 2)
     -Closing Prayer
     -Badge worksheets or other information

Dismiss and Go Home


Search the picture for the items on the list.

GAMES: Bowl-a-rama


        6 Water bottles (1/3 filled with water)
        Rubber ball
        Silly shoes (Big shoes, boots, slippers etc)

How to Play:
·         Have the boys put on a pair of shoes and then take his turn rolling the ball. Lengthen the distance between the boy and the pins if shorter distances are too easy.

GAMES: Sky High Lego Challenge


        Lego blocks

How to Play:
Give each child a small pile of LEGO bricks and have them sit in a circle on the floor. Put one brick in the middle. Going around the circle, each child adds one piece from their pile to the top of the growing tower.

How high can they build it before it topples over? The more the merrier for this one!

THEME ACTIVITY: Making and Using a Viewfinder

Materials Needed:

q  Cardboard
q  Scissors
q  Rulers
q  Pencils

Cut your cardboard to the same size as your drawing paper.
Rule lines diagonally across it, going from one corner all the way to the one opposite.
In the center (where the lines crossed), draw a rectangle measuring one inch by one and a quarter inches (1" x 1¼").
The one inch side should correspond with the shorter side of your cardboard, making the rectangle in the middle the same proportions as the whole cardboard rectangle.
Cut out the inner rectangle using a sharp blade to first penetrate the cardboard.
You now have a drawing tool known as a viewfinder.

How To Use A Viewfinder
Hold your viewfinder out in front of you, with your arm outstretched.
For an example subject, sight a chair within the center frame. If it helps, close or cover up one eye when you look through the hole.
Make sure the chair is touching at least 2 sides of the viewfinder rectangle.
This forms a border around the chair and enables you to see the negative space between the chair and the borders.
It might take some time but wait until you can see the negative space as a shape.
By keeping your arm outstretched and noting where the object is touching the border, you should see the same view each time you look through it.
Have you ever seen artists using their fingers to form a square? Their arms are outstretched and they look like they are framing the view before them. They are actually using their fingers as a border and they are visualizing what they want to draw.
Looking at a whole landscape can be daunting so the artist selects one area to concentrate on and a viewfinder does this same job for you.
The small glass square on a camera is also known as a viewfinder. It would be great if you could use your camera to do this exercise but it's a bit difficult because you won't have a hand to draw with! A light piece of cardboard is easily held in one hand while you draw with the other.
Now you know how to make a viewfinder, you can experiment with numerous subjects to familiarize yourself with negative spaces.

BADGEWORK: Safety Rules

Discuss safety rules to follow when you are home alone and a stranger comes to your house or calls on the telephone.

THEME ACTIVITY: Painting and Drawing

Materials Needed:

q  Subjects for drawing such as fruit, vases, mugs, plants etc.
q  Pencils and erasers
q  Drawing paper
q  Water colors and brushes
q  Paper towel
q  Water containers

Arrange subjects on a table and have the boys use their view finder to decide which portion of the objects they wish to draw. Insist they take their time and come up with a good detailed drawing. If you have time, have them learn how to use water colors and paint their drawings.

BADGEWORK: Telephone Techniques

Materials Needed
-Paper for emergency numbers to be written

Show how to use a telephone, a public telephone, and a telephone book. Show you know your own home telephone number and can find emergency numbers in a telephone book.

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