Badge-work for February
Please read through the
following badge work and try to make a point of completing these requirements
in the month of February. Have your parents initial and date each requirement
as you complete it and be sure to bring this sheet back to Cubs so we can track
your progress!
BADGE: Using your Kub Kar Kit, build your Kub Kar and have it ready to
race in March.
_________________ 6. Build
a model kit that takes time and effort to complete.
(See Also Tawny Star 4A. Make a working model and demonstrate its
_________________ 1. Make some
hot oatmeal.
_________________ 5. Boil
water and cook some pasta of your choice.
_________________ 6. Make
pancakes or French toast.
_________________ 12. Cook and egg.
_________________ 1. Pick three of following types of
computing devices, and explain how they are similar, and how they are
different: desktop, laptop, netbook, smart phone, tablet
_________________ 6. Show
how you can transfer a file (like a homework assignment or photograph) from one
computer to another via two of the following methods:
q disk or writable CD-ROM,
q USB memory stick,
q email,
q shared folder,
q web service (e.g., Google Docs, DropBox, iCloud,
Microsoft SkyDrive)