Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Cub Scout Den Meeting: December 11, 2013

DATE: December 11, 2013    
Theme:    Music                                                     

Gathering Activity:  Puzzle

Opening Ceremony
     - Opening Prayer: _____________
     - Grand Howl
     -Attendance: ________________
Attendance Book
Stamp and Ink

GAME:  I Like People Who…


Note and rest flash cards
Musician #1
THEME ACTIVITY: Play a Simple tune on the piano

Jingle Bells You Tube Instruction
Musician 3a
GAME:  The Gingerbread Man

THEME ACTIVITY: Karaoke – Sing a short solo

Musician 3e
BADGE WORK:  Note Tree
Notes and rests matching game
Musician #1
     -Spiritual Thought: __Preston__________
Assignment: Tell the pack your favorite Christmas tradition you do with your family.

Closing Ceremony
     -Cub Promise (review line 2)
     -Closing Prayer
     -Badge worksheets or other information

Dismiss and Go Home

Gathering Activity: Puzzle

·         Puzzle the boys can put together
Set the puzzle up on its own table and as the boys begin to gather direct them to the puzzle until everyone arrives.

Game: The Gingerbread Man

Have everyone sit in a circle. The leader silently picks one chair to be the oven chair. The den is now the bakery and one person is the gingerbread man next. Can you figure out who it will be next?
·         Remembering who was sitting in the designated chair. All the cubs have to get up and change chairs to try to capture the Gingerbread Man.
·         The leader then asks, “Do you know who will be the gingerbread man next”?
·         Let the boys guess by pointing at the cubs sitting around the circle.
·         The leader now points to the student who WAS sitting in the ‘Oven’.
·         Can the boys figure out why it was this person?
·         The leader needs to remember who is sitting in the ‘Oven’ in THIS round and let the cubs get up and change chairs again.
·         The game continues until someone figures out the pattern.
·         The answer to the question, “Do you know who will be the gingerbread man next?” is the person who was sitting in the oven chair in the PREVIOUS round.  

Game: I Like People Who…

Everyone needs a place marker to stand on – tape, rubber spot or even a chalk mark.
Everyone forms a circle and stands on their spot. One cub is in the middle, his spot is removed. He calls out “I like people who . . .”
Suggestions: like camping, eat cereal for breakfast, love Brownies. Anyone who falls into that category must change places with another person in the circle to whom the statement applies. “It” tries to get a spot also and the person who is left in the middle makes the next statement. You may not take a space next to you!

THEME ACTIVITY: Play a Simple Tune on the Piano

Materials Needed

Have each boy take a turn playing this tune or set each one up on a different octave and play together.

Badgework: Note Tree Introduction

Materials Needed for Each Boy:
Worksheet to build the tree

Badgework: Note Value Matching Game

Create a matching game with cards. For each match draw the note and on the matching card draw the number of beats it gets. Same for the rests.  Make another match for the same notes drawing this time the note and a pie.

THEME ACTIVITY: Sing a Short Solo

Materials Needed
Karaoke game with the kids

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