Badge-work for January
Please read through the
following badge work and try to make a point of completing these requirements
in the month of January. Have your parents initial and date each requirement as
you complete it and be sure to bring this sheet back to Cubs so we can track
your progress!
_________________ 4. Repair
two toys. Show them to one of your leaders before and after you work on them.
_________________ 1. Do any two of the following:
With adult help, make up a list of books that
might interest you and read three of them,
Discuss with an adult what you think were the
main features of a book you read,
Tell or read to your pack, your six or a small
group a story or part of a story you have read.
_________________ 5. With adult help, select a
children's book and read it aloud to a Beaver or other young child.
Canadian Heritage
3. Learn a Canadian legend or
folktale . Tell it to your six or pack.