Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Spring Summer Badge Worksheet

Spring-Summer Badge-work
Please read through the following badge work and try to make a point of completing these requirements during the warmer months. Have your parents initial and date each requirement as you complete it and be sure to bring this sheet back to Cubs so we can track your progress!

_________________  1.a) Complete 4 days of family camping. (They do not have to be consecutive.)
rrrr  Dates: __________  __________  __________  __________

 cAnaDian camper BADGE:
_________________ 4. Participate in at least three cub camps.
þrr     Dates: __________  __________  __________ 
_________________ 6. Go on 4 1-2 hour hikes.
rrrr  Dates: __________  __________  __________  __________
CYCLIST badge:
_________________ 8. Bike 10 minutes on a safe route with an adult. Explain how riding your bike (as opposed to using a car) for 10 minutes is good for the environment.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Cub Scout Den Meeting: March 27, 2013

Theme:    Discovery and Exploration                               
Bring something you would like to invent a new use for.              

Gathering Activity: WSEA Journal covers

Opening Ceremony
     - Opening Prayer: _____________
     - Grand Howl
     -Attendance: ________________
Attendance Book
Stamp and Ink

GAME:  Bed Sheet Ping Pong
Bed Sheet
Ping Pong Ball

BADGEWORK: Invent a use for something you used to always throw away.

Recycle 1B
THEME ACTIVITY: Seeds and Seedlings
Plant 6 garden seeds and 1 gladiolus bulb
Hand out sheet to track the growth of the plant for 4 weeks.

*Recycle newspaper to make pots for plants
Seed growth tracking record.
Gardener #4a, 4d
Black Star A3 (with sheet)
Recycle 5B p. 49
GAME:  Who’s Line is It?

THEME ACTIVITY: Robbie the Recycle Robot

Plastic bottles
Tin foil
Colored markers
Pipe cleaners
Googly eyes
Piercing Tool
Recycle 2B p.49
BADGE WORK:  Continue recycle invention

     -Spiritual Thought: ____________

Closing Ceremony
     -Cub Promise
     -Closing Prayer
     -Badge worksheets or other information

Dismiss and Go Home



  •         Booklets
  •         Nature pictures
  •         Glue
  •         Scissors

To Construct:
·         Have boys select a photo of an outdoor place. Decorate the covers of their WSEA journals.

GAMES: Bed Sheet Ping Pong

How to Play:
  • ·         Players stand and hold a bed sheet on opposite ends.
  • ·         A ping pong ball is placed onto the sheet.
  • ·         The sheet is then raised or lowered.
  • ·         The object of the game is to get the ping pong ball to fall off the other team's side of the sheet.

GAMES: Who’s Line is It?

·         Get everyone to write out their name on a slip of paper, then mix all the names up in a hat or bowl. Also prepare some ready chosen bible stories and put them in a separate hat.
How to Play:
·         1. Pick out a random (well known) bible story.
·         2. Roll the dice.
·         3. Whatever number you rolled, pick out that number of kids from the hat.
·         Those kid(s) must act out the scene in a matter of minutes. On the spot... no preperation. Usually the more outgoing and active kids will try to get the shy, quiet kids involved. It can end up really hilarious if only 1 kid is chosen for a scene that needs many actors!

BADGEWORK: Recycled Invention

    Invent a use for something you used to always throw away. Try to have basic crafting supplies available for the kids to use in creating their invention.

THEME ACTIVITY: Seeds and Seedlings

Materials Needed:

q  Garden seeds and gladiolus bulbs
q  Newspaper
q  Pot makers
q  Potting soil
q  Water
q  Trays lined with plastic

 Teach boys how to make newspaper pots. Have each boy make 6.
Prepare soil and plant 6 seeds: tomato, cherry tomato, marigold, gladiolus, sweet pea, zucchini
Place in plastic lined trays and teach boys how to care for their plants.

THEME ACTIVITY: Robbie the Robot

  • 3D Paint Pens (Primary)
  •  Tacky Glue
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Sequin or Rhinestone (a permanent marker easily transforms a clear rhinestone into a colored gem.)
  • Empty water bottle
  • Wiggle eyes
  • Piercing tool or awl (to pierce holes in bottle)
  • Aluminum foil


  1. Wrap foil around water bottle, sealing seam with Aleene’s Tacky Glue. Smooth foil to shape to bottle.
  2. Have an adult pierce holes for arms, ears and antenna.
  3. Twist pipe cleaners as desired and push ends through holes in bottle.
  4. Use Tacky Glue to adhere colored rhinestones or sequins and wiggle eyes onto robot.
  5. Use Scribbles® 3D Paint Pens to draw mouth and box around belly embellishments. Add dots around box. Let dry completely.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Cub Scout Den Meeting: March 13, 2013

  Theme:    Discovery and Exploration                                                               

Gathering Activity: Decorate a cover page with a drawing, sketch or photo of your favorite outdoor place. Write a description of your favorite outdoor place. (2 weeks)
Blank books assembled
Drawing and Coloring tools
World Scout Environment Award: Clean Water and Clean Air #1
Opening Ceremony
     - Opening Prayer: _____________
     - Grand Howl
     -Attendance: ________________
Attendance Book
Stamp and Ink

GAME:  Find the Pig
Stuffed animal

BADGEWORK: Hiking Safely

Hiking Badge #3 p.80
Trailcraft Badge #1d p.81
THEME ACTIVITY: Protecting Nature
Discuss Leave No Trace Camping principles
Discuss how to protect nature while on an outing

World Scout Environment Award: Environmental Practices #1, #2, #3a,b,
Green Star #10 p. 75
Camping Badge #6 p. 77
Hiking #5 p. 80
GAME:  Simon Says: Danger at Home
Chalkboard and chalk

THEME ACTIVITY: Making a Water Filter

Paper towel
Clean Sand
Container for water sample
World Scout Environment Award: Clean Water & Clean Air #2-C-a
Camping Badge #5f
p. 77
BADGE WORK:  Finish up any unfinished work

     -Spiritual Thought: ____________

Closing Ceremony
     -Cub Promise
     -Closing Prayer
     -Badge worksheets or other information

Dismiss and Go Home



        Papers bound together into a small booklet for the Cubs to write in
        Pencils, erasers
        Coloring tools

To Construct:
·         Have boys draw, sketch or use a photo of their favorite outdoor place. Have them write a description of their outdoor place and explain why it is special to them.

GAMES: Find the PIG

How to Play:
·         A tag style game where you use your neckerchief as a tail.
·         The person who is it ("the fox") tries to grab your tail off.
·         If they do, you wait on the side. You can reenter if you manage to grab a tail off someone running past you.

GAMES: SIMON SAYS: Danger at Home

How to Play:
This game is played in the traditional “Simon Says” style with the exception of the way the Cubs move.
When Simon Says:
·         Barbecue Grill ; Cubs move forward quickly
·         Campfire ; Cubs move two steps sideways
·         Smoke in a Theatre ; Drop and crawl backwards
·         Fire at Home ; Crawl low forward
·         Oven ; Two steps forward, open window action
·         Clothes Burning ; Cubs drop and roll
·         Fire ; Cubs rush forward

BADGEWORK: Hiking Safety

Discuss the need to stay in a group when hiking and use a buddy system so nobody gets left behind. Plan ahead to have enough drinking water and food along for the day and prepare for emergencies by bringing a first aid kit, whistle and spare clothes.


Materials Needed:

q  WSEA Journals
q  Pencils
q  Crayons
q  Reference Material

Go for a 10 minute walk in the neighborhood.
Discuss and apply three ways you can use LNT principles at home, school and Cubs. Using your World Scout Environment (WSEA) journals, draw a picture or write down your ideas.


Materials Needed:

q  WSEA Journals
q  Pencils
q  Crayons
q  Reference Material
q  Water Sample
q  Container for sample
q  Gravel, Sand (clean)
q  Paper cone
q  Funnel
q  Paper towel

Collect a water sample as you go for a walk in the leave no trace activity. Divide the sample into two. Make a natural filter using soil or sand placed in the bottom of a paper cone. Then try to clean the other half of the water with a human designed filter like cheesecloth, paper towel or a coffee filter.

Leave No Trace Principles

Plan Ahead and Prepare: Watch for hazards and follow all the rules of the park or outdoor facility. Remember proper clothing, sunscreen, hats, first aid kits, and plenty of drinking water. Use the buddy system. Make sure you carry your family's name, phone number, and address.

Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces: Stay on marked trails whenever possible. Short-cutting trails causes the soil to wear away or to be packed, which eventually kills trees and other vegetation. Trampled wildflowers and vegetation take years to recover. Stick to trails!

Dispose of Waste Properly: Make sure all trash is put in a bag or trash receptacle. Trash is unsightly and ruins everyone's outdoor experience. Your trash can kill wildlife. Even materials, such as orange peels, apple cores and food scraps, take years to break down and may attract unwanted pests that could become a problem.

Leave What You Find: When visiting any outdoor area, try to leave it the same as you find it. The less impact we each make, the longer we will enjoy what we have. Even picking flowers denies others the opportunity to see them and reduces seeds, which means fewer plants next year.
Use established restrooms. Graffiti and vandalism have no place anywhere, and they spoil the experience for others. Leave your mark by doing an approved conservation project.

Minimize Campfire Impacts: Campfires can cause lasting impacts to the backcountry. Use a lightweight stove for cooking and enjoy a candle lantern for light. Where fires are permitted, use established fire rings, fire pans, or mound fires. Keep fires small. Only use sticks from the ground that can be broken by hand. Burn all wood and coals to ash, put out campfires completely, then scatter cool ashes.

Respect Wildlife: Managing your pet will keep people, dogs, livestock, and wildlife from feeling threatened. Make sure your pet is on a leash or controlled at all times. Do not let your pet approach or chase wildlife. When animals are chased or disturbed, they change eating patterns and use more energy that may result in poor health or death. Take care of your pet's waste. Take a small shovel or scoop and a pick-up bag to pick up your pet's waste— wherever it's left. Place the waste bags in a trash can for disposal.
Observe wildlife from a distance. Do not follow or approach them. Never feed animals. Feeding wildlife damages their health, alters natural behaviors, and exposes them to predators and other dangers. Protect wildlife and your food by storing rations and trash securely. Avoid wildlife during sensitive times: mating, nesting, raising young, or winter.

Be Considerate of Others: Expect to meet other visitors. Be courteous and make room for others. Control your speed when biking or running. Pass with care and let others know before you pass. Let nature's sounds prevail. Avoid loud voices and noises or playing loud music. Respect "No Trespassing" signs. If property boundaries are unclear, do not enter the area.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Ideas for Collections

Collector Badge Ideas
Cubs like to collect things but sometimes have a hard time getting going. Here are some ideas of things they could collect and some hints of how to organize their collections.

q  Collect what things you like, something you are interested in.
q  Involve your family and friends – let everyone know that you are collecting something they can surprise you on your birthday or special occasions.
q  Look at rummage sales or second hand stores for items (ask the sales people if they have the items you are looking for. Things can be hard to find but if you ask they can point the things out for you.
q  Make an interesting display of your collection. You may choose to use shelves, interesting containers, glass jars, wicker baskets, wooden boxes, binders and/or plastic covers.


Ø  Stamps
Ø  Cards – Hockey, Football, Baseball etc.
Ø  Comic Books
Ø  Model Kits
Ø  Toys – Lego, Action figures, Beany babies, marbles etc.
Ø  Buttons with pictures or slogans on them.
Ø  Pins from different places.
Ø  Spoons from different places
Ø  Pencils, erasers
Ø  Shells
Ø  Holiday things (Christmas ornaments, valentines, St. Patricks, Thanksgiving, etc.)
Ø  Caps
Ø  Stickers
Ø  Postcards
Ø  Books
Ø  Autographs
Ø  Flags
Ø  Coins
Ø  Keys
Ø  Bookmarks
Ø  Salt and Pepper shakers
Ø  Bottles
Ø  Butterflies/bugs
Ø  Cows
Ø  Pigs
Ø  Frogs
Ø  Bears
Ø  Disney Characters
Ø  Angels
Ø  Puzzles
Ø  Airplanes
Ø  Barf Bags (Un-used)
Ø  Pez Dispensers
Ø  Old fashioned records